The Vulcan Hello
Star Trek: Discovery is a series anticipated with bated breath, the return of Star Trek to its home as a syndicated weekly television series. The question was after a 12 year absence could Discovery bring Star Trek to a new generation of fans and mollify the pensive fan community that have waited so long for a new series? Based on the first episode the answer is almost a complex as that question. Star Trek: Discovery Episode 1: A Vulcan Hello A monologue, intended to sound poignant and quickly introduce the themes of the show is so much of a sci-fi trope at this point you probably knew it was coming before you even loaded the show in your streaming service of choice. In this case monologuist du jour is T’Kuvma (Christopher Obi) and I suppose we should address the elephant in the room: Yes, they’ve changed the Klingons again. I’m more sanguine about this than some other fans of the old shows. Seeing the Klingons turn from racist caricature of the Japanese into, well, a le...